Wednesday, June 15, 2022

2022 Hello blog!

 Hello blog!

Long time no log, long time in the mental smog. No hello nor goodbye but a special reminder for I am still here. I know you don't really cheer, for the person who's late or never really near. Never really checks on you but pretends it's all still here. But one day he'll know that things don't stay the same. They don't live forever but disappear. It disintegrates if not cared for. It can immigrate or obliterate for no shows, no core. Things are never truly clear.

Hello blog!

I like poems, and that was an attempt at representing how I feel at the moment. You can give it meaning how you want. It could be represented in many different ways. And since there's a lot of symbolism (not in my poem) well that's the reason different people could have different perspectives. That's probably the easiest explanation on why there are so many religions in the world, because they are representations on the perspectives of ideas on the bible/god. 

Hello blog!

You know, in life we all need some sort of restart, some sort of pause. Some sort of mental check to see how we are doing. An evaluation if you will. Many people don't have the capacity to stop and think who we are and how we are handling things. Are we a victim or the aggressor, the writer or the reader. The client or the contractor. We all breakdown at one point or another without these pauses in life. We get fed-up and angry. We cannot take it any more, we get close to the point of our self destruction. Do you ever get surprised at the things that happen in your life? (sorry I felt like a psychological Dora). Whether something really good or pretty terrible. Something that causes a ripple and effect in your life. A decision that causes different doors to open or close. An ultimate decision that creates a stone skipping pattern that you can no longer return to the point of origin or initiation. We have the power to create and take away, most don't know that. But those that do, manage creations well. 

Have a good rest of the year, be motivated, stay positive and learn to listen and guide.

I love you and always will. Hopefully I won't be too long.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Stressing about Stress

 We all have deadlines, we all run out of money, and we all have some sort of debt. The poor has debt and the rich just have a bigger debt sometimes. Stress can be financial, economical, social etc. It could be many things yet we learn to balance them one way or another. There is a rule in life. One day at a time and therefore it's also worth mentioning to complete or do one thing at a time, for as long as it takes, one hour or day or week. 

When we try to balance many things at once, we feel pressured to complete them all in one day let alone a week. Sometimes one event or "task" ends up taking a majority of the day even if it's a simple as groceries or taking your kid/yourself to the doctor. 

Everything takes up time, we all cope with time management. We give time to one thing and sacrifice time for another. Time is non-refundable. We invest time for some sort of return or self-pleasure. Whether it is for school, entertainment, family etc. Devoting time is essential and is practically what makes us human. Making time for our selfishness or for other people. It is our decision with how we manage time. 

Stress can make you slow down. It has a psychological factor that prevents you from staying happy, and focused. Could be multiple things or one major event or task. It's the pressure that gets to us. We boil from nervousness. And we sometimes end up not completing our tasks or events from being so tied up with stress. It's ok to fail, from failure comes success. It's ok to be so drowned out, let things flow. Regain control of the situations. Don't freeze. Untie yourself one thing at a time, and soon you'll notice you have less things to worry about.  

Money will come and go. Family will always be there. Being prepared always helps with deadlines. If you're like me and wait till the last second, that's when things blow up in your face. For not having a gameplan, some sort of system to guide yourself throughout the day or week. Ever since I started noting things in my calendar I've noticed I had less things to worry about, knowing what's coming ahead of time and not missing payments or events/tasks that had to get done. 

Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week's value out of a year while another man gets a full year's value out of a week.Charles Richards

Planning and taking things a day at a time is the best advice I could give anyone. Coming from someone who hates planning and wants to take things spontaneously. 

Stay safe out there, Hos out!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Blogger of the year: 2021

 Consistent. I am greatly consistent. Consistent at blogging at least once or twice a year. Fantastic. What you are about to read will take you through a magical journey, filled with dragons and blistering lava. Also I have no idea why you're still reading. I believe my reading level got permanently stuck at a 5th grade level. Oh but hey my writing,  I'll defend my writing skills, although I can't really improve my writing if I don't read. Well time to leave the Franklin turtle books behind. 

I am back baby. And hopefully with the right motivation and consistency I can do at least two more blogs this year. 

Let's recap shall we? We are more than halfway through this year and with just another blink...POOF! It will be gone yet again. Will this be the first and last blog I do? Maybe, probably, most likely, UNDENIABLY SO. But if I do decide to spice things up and do another one it will probably be because of a universal miracle. Yep a one in a gazillion stars that I'll do another blog and different topic.

I was just writing to say hi. Making sure you're all doing well. You know it's important to take care of oneself first and then others. Mental health is just as important as physical health. How's your year going? Is it what you expected and or wanted at the beginning of it? If not there's still time. Positivity in everything is important and especially when trying to go after a goal or dream. Staying motivated is part of the challenge. Consistent is part of the challenge. Hell, having goals or dreams could be part of the challenge. And it's ok to admit that you're just not sure where the river will take you IF you even wanted it to take you anywhere. Welcome to my boat. Welcome to my river. Let's ride the ride together. I'll be here. 

2021. You know, we should definitely have another christmas in July, why? cuz more gifts, more food, and more gatherings/parties. Ah but wait, hello COVID! I see you're slowly dying off and your deviant buddies.... What would the world look like if covid never happened at all? Was it possibly a necessary change? Socially, economically, politically or maybe possibly environmentally? People stopped polluting for a while, and that's super great. I don't know but if we have a winter santa, we should have a summer santa. 

That's all my time today. A short one if you will. Impactful but lightly disappointed I know. A quickie if you will. I leave you with this entertaining video at the bottom for getting through this far. Have a good weekend., or weekday depending on when you read this.....Have a good rest of your year!

p.s feel free to read other stuff. other years. love you.

p.s p.s wake me up in 8 days plz

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Love Blog Story 2

 Hello guys, 

It’s been officially a whole dang year since the first love blog story. And I feel like I have to update this train of thought. Somethings are true and others need a bit more context or input if you will. 

Love definitely comes in all forms, all shapes and sizes it’s definitely true. Love is definitely about connecting with the right people. Having the same vibe in a sense, creating highs and with those highs, also experiencing lows. Experiencing the full spectrum of a friendship/ relationship. Experiencing pain is important to see how it will be handled by both parties to really test that “love” and observing if keeping it alive will be possible. 

Love can be one-sided and this is where pain could come in. Feeling things others might not feel. Or pushing something that isn’t there emotionally. You don’t want to put more than what you receive, that is just a mentally tiring. One sided feelings could be fixed of course but the other party has to be aware and or it has to be presented to them in a way. Waiting to see if anything changes is not the solution. Action always is. Whether it’s about communicating certain feelings or just cutting someone off from their life to stop certain emotional pains or sufferings. 

When 2 people are in the same mental train of thought that could be a bad thing, in my opinion. Depending on the person. For example if both people argue and start getting violent and yet they both blame each other equally but neither is willing to forgive, this is one something or someone needs to be the one to change or give in for the sake of the relationship. Me, personally I’m dramatic as hell, and emotional too. But im also aware of what’s happening and I forgive easily mainly because I tend to overreact.





There are certain people that like to be the “Alpha” in the relationship. These people are the dominant ones, the person who controls their partner emotionally. They have the power in the relationship and in no way are submissive to anything. In a sense, it’s their way or the highway. This personality is common and could be handled by people who aren’t both typically alphas. One is always more sensitive. One demands, the other accepts. It could be healthy but it could also be damaging if the role doesn’t change from time to time, every once in a while. 

Respect is one of the most important aspects in a relationship. Always being aware for your partner, letting them know what’s going to happen, especially if it deals with any sort of pain from their history wether it’s family, exes, friends etc. respect will always be the key to any relationship. Am I respecting my partner? Am I hurting them in any way? Being conscious of our actions. Love learns. Love can heal.

This has been kept a draft for awhile that’s why the paragraphs are separated. Should have been published a long time ago. I think love evolves and at the same time the same intense love from the get go is can be constant forever with the right person or if it’s mutual. Mistakes are likely to happen. Words can be said. But as long as certain lines aren’t crossed everything is repairable. 

Thank you for reading. ❤️

Saturday, July 4, 2020

COVID-19 Blog

Hey blog, dang, long time no chat. 
I've been busy moving, learning, waiting, and just enjoying 2020. No but let's be real this COVID-19 issue has been longer then expected to be honest. It started increasing severely in march. And we were all like all right it'll die down we're fine right?? WRONG April comes around and all you see was worldwide panic and chaos. Nice.

It's been basically half a year and now it's July and looks like things are kicking back up again. Yay the second wave of corona. Congratulations guys! we have managed to ignore social distancing and have worsened the situation. Great! Shout out to all the Karens in the world who complain about their face mask because it's a "health issue" and now we hear some talk of a new swine flu with potential pandemic fears

Side note: I forgot how much I enjoyed writing sometimes. It makes me feel free. Like I can insult people and nobody will ever find me. I'm kidding I feel like I'm super easy to find lol. And no I won't insult anyone, just super biased opinions and no "real" research (not in this blog at least). Just me and my thoughts. Anyway...

I feel like in the first few months, everything became sort of balanced. The rich had lost business and money in the stock market, and the poor got the helpful boost they needed to survive aka the stimulus checks and unemployment boost. The real truth is the rich need the poor to profit and the poor need the.... na basically the poor likes rich people for their fancy things wether it's their cars, businesses, houses, etc. but the rich do need consumers like the poor to profit, even basic services like house needs, construction, mechanics, plumbing, groceries etc. do the poor really need the rich? or do the poor live long enough and smart enough to become rich? This pandemic has me thinking I guess. After a few months of thought and carefully analyzing how the economy is moving, it looks like the world is returning how it was but with still increasing infected ones and deaths still on the rise. Interesting

I mean it seems like this year has been on "pause" long enough. Don't get me wrong the pandemic seems like a real issue to not take lightly of course but there seems to be a sense of betrayal. Like if someone lied to you and pretended to cover it up with something else, or perhaps tried to distract you with something else from the real issue. That's what this RONA feels like. As if it was here for a reason, whether a good one or bad. We have officially fallen out of human patterns, our daily routines. We or someone we know have been changed forever. We feel different. Things aren't the same. Education is online. Human contact is limited. Limitations and restrictions. It just seems all just negative. Where is the positivity here? 5G networks is that it? Tech advancement for the purpose to capitalize and increase monopolization? All right, sure I guess. How do we benefit from the rona?

I don't know guys, the biggest thing I can take away from these past few month is change. And I think change is good. Leaving our comfort zone. Leaving jobs, getting new ones. leaving places and finding new ones. Sure it might come at a cost but it seems like that cost is growth and moving forward. Never backwards. 

Thanks for reading. I appreciate it 
with love, Hosguy šŸ’–

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Love Blog Story

I believe there are different kinds of love, we have family love, inanimate love, forced love, superficial love and true love. Most of the time we are in one specific kind of love and your partner might be feeling a completely different type of love. Does that mean there's incompatibility? Well sure but incompatibility has to do more with connection and personality. When there's love there's reliability. Worry-free situations. Stress-free living. When there's love, there's care, dependability, selflessness. So many good positive feelings.

When you meet the right person you click with that person. You're ultimately in sync. Always on the same page. Sometimes it is very obvious that you both feel the same way and other times only one person. Knowing you wanna spend the rest of your life with somebody instantly, is sometimes a sign of true love, you don't care what is at risk because the end result is very much worth it. 

Superficial love almost always has to do with physicality, a different mentality of "quick". It could be passionate but being superficial with love always runs dry. Friends with benefits is a good example. There might be an attraction but no mental connection there. Bodies connected but mind and soul left out.

True love is built on three major things, essential into making the relationship work. Honesty, trust and faith. These three things always co-depend into one another.
The beginning of this blog was written on September 23-24th almost more than a month ago. I feel the exact same way I did before and the truth is I've never realized how true my second paragraph is. I know it was out there, I know it was rare, and for anybody, even for me to find it is extremely special.

I still have my deep psychological fears. Fears that might not even matter but to some degree they impact me. We see many but many relationships not working out. People say you should always work hard to making it work but that's the thing maybe the two of you aren't really a good pair, maybe, in reality, it never really works out no matter how hard you try. Maybe I have a bad perspective but it seems like people that try the hardest at making it work are the most unhappy, we have to learn to move on. Try again. Walk a different path, re-connect differently and find another essence.

Love can be simple, love can be complicated but love is never blind. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Septiembre por Siempre

The following blog is completely in spanish so, turn your google translate on or get your spanish friend to translate *insert thumbs up emoji here* whispers *or read another blog*

Ya llego el septiembre y este blog va a ser completamente en espaƱol. Porque? Nada mas por que quice y porque tengo el control superior de este universo, de lo que se aprueba y de lo que corre aqui en hos blogs. Yo soy el seƱor boss. Talvez te preguntas, wow este we no sabe escribir ni de chiste, es porque es cierto. Te lo prometo que no e buscado o translado nada hasta este punto ni el resto del blog. Como lo sabras que es cierto?....pos porque te lo estoy dicendo no?.... Este blog va a ser raw. No tengo idea como se dice raw, por el momento le diremos un blog sin cocer. Como un chicken nugget rosita.

Despiertenme cuando el septiembre se acabe..... chingados. Que te hizo el septiembre que quieres que se valla a la fregada. Septiembre es el puente que conecta el verano y el invierno (tome cinco minutos tratando de recordar como traducir winter, no queria hacer trampa y estuve con las ganas de googlear). Septiembre no se considera otoƱo y tampoco verano. Es oficialmente el mes del huracan. El mes donde todo se aloqueza. El mes del chaos y es por eso que Billie Joe ya no quizo saber nada de septiembre. Septiembre primero, 1982 es el dia que su padre murio, Billie nada mas tenia 10 aƱos. En el funeral de su padre Billie corrio a su casa para encerrarse en su cuarto con llave.

El septiembre el tiempo de reconciliacion, de poder ver y comprender. Ver ojo a ojo con alguien mas. Si noviembre es el mes de accion de gracias, yo declaro septimbre de accion de restauracion. Para poder restaurar relaciones o poder restaurar tu estado mental, emocional y hasta fisico. El mes numero 7, el mes de suerte pero tambien de sabiduria y confianza. Septiembre es el balance perfecto para la transicion de temporadas. El reflejo perefecto de marzo y en ciertos lugares abril.

Para informarles uno de los dias oficiales de spetiembre mas anticipado es el dia de hablar como un pirata: septiembre 19. Este dia es un dia reconocido en E.U que hasta Obama lo habia celebrado en 2012. Todo el dia tienes que usar terminos de pirata. No te confundas con ver una pelicula pirata y decir que fuiste a celebrar el dia. No seas pirata ese tipo de pirata todavia es ilegal amigos. Septiembre tambien tiene el dia de abuelitos, cuando te conviertes abuelito puedes celebrar tu dia como 3 veces: tu cumpleaƱos, dia del padre/madre, y dia del abuelito. Y si crean dia de viejito, tambien cuenta. Dia de retirarte, dia de la salud pobre, dia de el ciego; deberiamos de tener dias para apreciar las gentes que no son reconocidas como dia del perro o si no dia de la suegra o suegro. Nose.

Lo que si se es que no puedo deletrear septiembre.....sin TI. Estaria muy solo, seria sepembre.
Buena ya los dejare ir, pero de verdad, despiertienme cuando se acabe el presente del septiembre.

Aqui dejo el video de green day por si lo han visto o por si nada.
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Most Recent Blog:

2022 Hello blog!

 Hello blog! Long time no log, long time in the mental smog. No hello nor goodbye but a special reminder for I am still here. I know you don...